Main topics
Stages in Procure
Finalise and publish procurement pack
Activities at this commercial stage include (not an exhaustive list):
- constructing the procurement pack in a clear, logical format that provides accessible and sufficient information
- including relevant Terms and Conditions, utilising model forms where appropriate, and relevant and proportionate selection questions
- publishing the procurement pack and relevant Notices, in compliance with transparency requirements.
Product | Title (links open in new tabs) |
Playbook | Sourcing Playbook (opens in new tab) |
Guidance Note (Sourcing Playbook) | Bid evaluation (opens in new tab) |
Guidance Note (Sourcing Playbook) | Assessing and monitoring the economic and financial standing of suppliers (opens in new tab) |
Guidance Note (Sourcing Playbook) | Competitive dialogue and competitive procedure with negotiation (opens in new tab) |
Guidance Note (Sourcing Playbook) | Resolution planning (opens in new tab) |
Playbook | Consultancy Playbook (opens in new tab) |
Playbook | Digital, Data and Technology Playbook (opens in new tab) |
Template | Title (links open in new tabs) |
Standard template (PCR 2015) | (PCR 2015) Conflict of Interest (CoI) declaration form (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PCR 2015) | (PCR 2015) Pre-procurement checklist (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PA 2023) | (PA 2023) Pre-procurement checklist (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PA 2023) | (PA 2023) Conflict of Interest declaration form (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PA 2023) | (PA 2023) Conflicts assessment (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PA 2023) | (PA 2023) Competitive flexible procurement template (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PA 2023) | (PA 2023) Competitive flexible procurement template guidance (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PA 2023) | (PA 2023) Competitive flexible procurement template stages list (opens in new tab) |
Standard template (PA 2023) | (PA 2023) Procurement specific questionnaire (opens in new tab) |